Assets Area

With this feature, you can attach different pictures, to your assemblies within FabStation. 

Please watch this video to learn how to use Assets area:

To access the Assets area go to the FabStation App Home page. From there, select the project and then the specific assembly you want to add photos to.

Select QC tab to access the Assets page.

Under the Assets tab, click on ‘New’ to add photos. 

You’ll be given two options: 

  • Camera: Take a new photo directly.
  • Library: Choose an existing photo from your local library. 

Once you’ve chosen your photo, you can mark it up with various tools.

These 5 annotation tools allow you to markup the photo:

Marker: Draw freely on the image. Choose a color and adjust the width of the line using the slider. 

Shapes: Add lines, arrows, circles and squares. Change their color and thickness to fit your needs. 

 Eraser: Remove any mistakes with the eraser tool. 

Text Box: Add text annotations.

  • Choose the text and background color.
  • Click the text box to open the keyboard and type. Click “Done” on the keyboard to save your text. 
  • Click “Done” again to finalize the markup or “Cancel” to erase the text box. 

Arrow: Move existing shapes, lines, and text boxes to different locations on the photo


Once the asset is marked up:

  • Click “Save” to keep your marked-up photo within the Assets area.
  • Click “Cancel” to discard changes. 

To assess the assets via assembly Info.

  • Choose the project
  • Select the assembly
  • Tap on QC
  • All saved asset photos are accessible within the Assets area. 

Saved photos are accessible within the Assets area. 

Click on a photo to:

  • View it again
  • Download it to your device
  • Delete it

You can add more assets by clicking “New” again and repeating the process. 

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