Updating the FabStation App to the Latest Version with HoloLens 2
We are constantly working on improving FabStation features, so as you keep using the FabStation App there will be a need to update it to the latest version.
Check HoloLens FabStation App version?
Even if the update is not required, you may want to receive an email newsletter that there are new features available, but only if the HoloLens is updated. The newsletter usually mentioned the app version with the features, and here is how you can check if your HoloLens FabStation app version match.
Open FabStation on HoloLens, without connecting it to the tablet.
The version will be on the 1st screen, as you see it on the screenshot.
Kindly note that current FabStation version is not 5.1.00, the image is just an example. Feel free to contact us if you would like to clarify the last FabStation version.
Update FabStation for HoloLens 2 - Recommended
1. Open Microsoft Store within the HoloLens and tap FabStation.
2. Click on “Library” on the left bottom corner, as on the screenshot below.
3. Update all apps from there, or just FabStation app. If there is no “Update” option, it means that FabStation version on the HoloLens is up-to-date.

Update FabStation for HoloLens 2 - Alternative
1. Open Microsoft Store within the HoloLens and tap FabStation.
2. Click on “FabStation – Steel” App and check if there is an option to Update it under the button “Open”

3. Click on “Update” if the button is present. If there is no “Update” option, it means that FabStation version on the HoloLens is up-to-date.
As you clicked on “Update”, you should see “Downloading”, which means that the update is in process.
Sometimes you may need to click on "Update" a couple of times before you see "Downloading". This is related to the Microsoft App store work, so please just keep clicking on "Update" till you see "Downloading" message.
Need to update the iPad as well? Click here.